游泳馆用英语怎么说写,游泳馆用英语怎么说ppo on

|2022/2/14 20:16:06|浏览:1035|类型:教育

游泳馆用英语怎么说写,游泳馆用英语怎么说ppo on


游泳馆用英语怎么说 游泳馆的英语是什么


1.游泳馆英文是:natatorium或The Swimming Stadium。

2. There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel。

3.这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆. It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths。


5. Sports Entertainment Facilities: football field, a stadium, a Tennis Hall, swimming pool。

6.体育娱乐设施: 足球场 、 体育馆 、 网球馆 、 游泳馆. The facility included a natatorium swimming and stadium for soccer场馆设施包括一座游泳馆和一座足球场. Her favorite was the National Aquatic Center, the Water Cube。




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